Sunday, May 8, 2011

Temporary Lip Tattoos For The Rock Star In You

Temporary Lip Tattoos For The Rock Star In You

If you're not already turned off by the rhyming title, then you might just be crazy enough to try Violent LipsTemporary Lip Tattoos. The wet-and-apply stick-ons will turn your pout into something ... else. Like a leopard, or a rainbow, or a glittery explosion.

I'm not sold. I think the look is cool, but I only see Ke$ha really wearing this, and the "bad girls" who go to prom that pretend to not want to go to prom, but go anyway, and with lip tattoos. Am I right? They'll regret it though, if they want to have a make-out sesh ..

Good news is these lippy tattoos are only $15 for a pack of three, so if you want to try them out, you won't have to dive too deeply into your piggy bank. And I guess the even better news is that they're temporary, and will come off with a good ole scrubbin'.

I'm kind of imagining what it would be like if I showed up to work with a polka-dot mouth. I think my boss would laugh in my face and tell me to go home. Now that's lip service.

Would you try these?

If so, here's a how-to lesson from Violent Lips:

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