Friday, May 6, 2011

Bristol Palin Has a New Face

Plastic Surgeon Confirms Bristol Palin's New Face "Probably Result of Surgery"

A board certified plastic surgeon has verified that Bristol Palin almost certainly has gone under the knife to achieve her dramatic new look.
This week Bristol appeared at the Candies Foundation benefit event looking like a completely different person. Besides having ditched the oompa-loompa fake tan and getting extensions, Sarah Palin's oldest daughter also appeared to have had plastic surgery on her face.
Multiple reports debated whether or not she had sought the services of a plastic surgeon to get her new, more prominent chin, higher cheekbones, and surprised brow. Was it simply weight loss or did she have work done?
Now we may have a definitive answer. Dr. Brian Glatt, a board-certified plastic surgeon based in New Jersey, spoke with E! News yesterday and was able to say quite definitively that at the very least Bristol Palin's chin was the work of a plastic surgeon and not of a diet.
"Her upper face, her eyes, brows, and forehead seem to be the same as they were. She's lost a little volume in her cheeks from weight loss, which you'd expect in someone young, but the lower third of her face is a dramatic difference. You could draw a line across the lower third, it's like two different people."
He went on to add that it was certain that Bristol had gotten liposuction done on her neck and chin, noting that her once double chin was now gone. The length of her new chin points towards an implant rather than simple weight loss.
It's fairly obvious that Bristol had cosmetic procedures done. Though the Palin camp is standing by the weight loss story, photos of Bristol simply don't support that theory. There's no way on earth she's lost enough weight to cause such a dramatic change in her face, and no weight loss will lead to a change in facial structure like the one seen on Bristol.
Not that Bristol looks bad. On the contrary she looks as lovely as ever. Of all the positive things one could say about her new look, the best is this: she no longer looks like her mother.

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