Monday, May 23, 2011

I don’t want my little girl to have surgery like me... only a boob job

I don’t want my little girl to have surgery like me... only a boob job

BEAUTY addict Kirsty Yaqub is just 20 years old - but has already blown an incredible £20,000 on cosmetic surgery.

As well as a boob job boosting her from a modest 30B to a huge 30G, the mum-of-one has paid for expensive veneers on her teeth, lip injections, fillers and Botox.

She also injects herself daily with a potent tanning drug to get a rich mahogany glow unattainable from a bottle.

And the model - who is now completely unrecognisable from the shy teenager she once was - admits to being addicted to the kick surgical enhancements give her.

Kirsty said: "People are amazed when they hear I'm only 20 and have already spent thousands of pounds on surgery, but I don't regret any of it. If it makes me look and feel better then it's worth it. Plus it gives me the most amazing buzz."

Kirsty - a single mum who lives in Sutton Coldfield, West Mids, with her two-year-old daughter Savannah - started modelling aged just 13.

Natural beauty ... teenage Kirsty

"I was spotted in my local shopping centre," she said. "Soon I was getting loads of work as a child model.

"I loved it but from a very young age it did make me aware of the importance of looking good."

A glance at Kirsty's old modelling pictures reveal a naturally pretty 15-year-old girl with dark hair and olive skin.

But thanks to thousands of pounds of surgery, Kirsty barely resembles the fresh-faced teen in those photos.

Her transformation began two years ago, when she was 18, and her first surgery was a £5,000 boob job.

She said: "I hated how small my boobs were. After giving birth to Savannah my confidence was knocked even more as I felt saggy and like my skin had stretched.

"Having a breast augmentation totally changed that - it gave me so much more confidence. I wanted to wear whatever I liked and feel really womanly."

But instead of opting for a slight boost to her cleavage, Kirsty decided to go up FIVE cup sizes, from a 30B to a 30G. She admits her boobs now dwarf her tiny size-six frame but insists she loves them.

Kirsty said: "It might sound extreme to go that big in one go. I'm naturally tiny so they do look pretty big. But I like the fake look - I always have."

Pout ... Kirsty says she's spent at least £20,000 on cosmetic surgery

In fact, Kirsty claims her breasts have actually helped further her career and she has now entered glamour modelling.

She said: "I did a lot of commercial modelling before, ads for the NHS and things like that, but I just got bored of it.

"Glamour modelling is much more fun. And I'm sure my unique look has helped."

Despite the success surgery has brought her, Kirsty admits she would not want her daughter to go down the same route.

She said: "Savannah is only two so I can't say how I'll feel when she's older.

"I know it sounds hypocritical but I don't think I'll want her having loads of surgery. Maybe a boob job, but that's it."

For Kirsty herself, a boob job was just the start. After that, she focused on her teeth and has invested in expensive porcelain veneers - even though she admits she didn't actually need them.

She said: "People have said that my teeth were fine and perfectly straight and they're probably right. But I could see these little imperfections and I'm a perfectionist so I had to do something about it.

"My veneers cost £3,000. But I think they were worth it. Again, it's all about having the confidence to smile and feel great."

Next up was her face. Despite not having a single line or wrinkle, she has spent thousands on facial fillers around her nose and mouth and says she's had lip injections done 11 times.
She said: "Although I like the fake look, even I had to admit that at one point my lips were starting to look a bit silly.

"But I like to keep them looking plump. It costs £300 each time so I must have spent £3,000 on them alone. It sounds a lot but it's all part of the look I'm going for."

Kirsty also confesses to having regular Botox injections - despite the fact she is barely out of her teens.

She said: "People say I don't need Botox but I disagree. Why wait until I'm wrinkly? It's about £200 a time, but it really works. I don't worry that it makes my expressions look frozen because I'd always choose that over wrinkles."

Mummy's girl ... Kirsty says she'd be happy for her daughter to get a boob job

Kirsty's latest beauty fad is the popular tanning drug Melanotan. Although the guidelines recommend using it no more than once a week, Kirsty admits using it daily.

It is illegal to ship or sell the synthetic hormone but not to buy it. The drug is said to encourage the body to produce melanin, the body's natural protection from the sun, which also darkens the skin.

But as it is self-injected and unlicensed, doctors have warned that users risk infections such as hepatitis or even HIV. It has also been linked to skin cancer.

She also visits a salon for 14-minute sunbed sessions five times a week.

Kirsty said: "I like to go really brown, so I inject it daily then I go on sunbeds.

"I know there's a danger but I try not to think about that. Being tanned makes me feel healthy and more attractive."

On top of the money she spends on surgery and tanning, she has regular £400 hair extensions and often blows £200 on her favourite MAC and Guerlain make-up.

Kirsty admitted: "I am on a constant quest to make myself look as perfect as possible. After my little girl, any spare money I have goes on my appearance. It's just me wanting to look perfect."

Unsurprisingly, Kirsty idolises glamour model Katie Price, better known as Jordan.

She said: "I watch her shows and admire how well she has done for herself. For me, though, it's not about copying anyone, it's about picking the bits I don't like about myself and improving them. And I guess that's what Katie Price does too."

Kirsty admits she's never totted up the amount she's spent on surgery and other cosmetic treatments, but admits it runs into tens of thousands.

She said: "It's easily £20,000. You have to factor in all the little things too. I get hair extensions every few months and my eyebrows tattooed on. Then I have my nails done every two or three weeks.

"But I use the money from modelling to pay for it - nothing is on a credit card."

No regrets ... Kirsty is happy with her look

Kirsty insists her family and friends understand her surgery obsession and that her mum is really supportive.

Kirsty said: "My mum has had a lot of work done too. We both go for Botox. She's 43 but she looks years younger. She thinks it's good that I care about my appearance."

Kirsty has received some criticism of her appearance, though. An ex-boyfriend once called her "plastic face" during an argument. But insults just make her more convinced she is doing the right thing.

She said: "Some people have been cruel and said I look fake but if they're trying to upset me it's backfired.

"In fact, I take it as a compliment. Anyway, if someone tells me not to do something, I'm much more likely to do it.

"I love my look. If it makes me happy it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

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