Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Plastic surgeons going around botox ban?

Plastic surgeons going around botox ban?
Tom Blackwell

Many of the country’s cosmetic surgery clinics seem to routinely contravene the ban on advertising prescription drugs with aggressive online promotion of Botox and similar medications, federal regulators charge.
Health Canada has asked medical governing bodies to warn doctors they cannot advertise prescription medication, after a review of complaints found that Internet medication marketing is “widespread” among cosmetic specialists. In Alberta, the College of Physicians and Surgeons has already issued warning letters to 47 doctors.
“There’s nothing wrong with having information for the public. It’s when that gets mixed up with selling a product that you get distortion,’’ said Barbara Mintzes, a University of British Columbia pharmacology professor. Like most Western nations – though not the United States – Canada bars prescription-drug ads aimed at consumers on the grounds they can encourage unnecessary use of medications.
A leader of the cosmetic-surgery specialty argued it probably never even occurred to most doctors that the law would apply to substances like Botox. Physicians will comply, but it begs the question of how they will be able to market such a widely recognized product, said Dr. Elizabeth Hall Findlay, president of the Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
“What do we say: ‘We inject substances that fix your wrinkles’? ” asked the Banff, Alta., physician, who said she supports the advertising ban generally. “We would do whatever the law tells us to do … (But) I personally don’t think it’s anything that anybody needs to make a big deal about.”
Ads that mention a drug’s name are permitted if they leave out what the product actually does.
Health Canada said the most prevalent doctor-promoted drugs it spotted were Botox – primarily injected into patients’ faces to iron out frown lines and wrinkles – and Latisse, originally a treatment for glaucoma that was approved late last year for application to eyelashes to make them thicker and longer.
“It appears to be very common on the web sites of cosmetic surgery clinics across the country,” Gary Holub, a spokesman for the department, said in an emailed response to questions.
Both drugs require a prescription, partly because of their potential side effects. Botox can trigger headaches, nausea, and, much more rarely, serious side effects like trouble breathing, while Latisse has been known to cause discolored skin around the eyes or changes in the colour of the iris.
In one typical promotion for Botox, a Winnipeg clinic touts its ability to give the face “a more refreshed and relaxed look,” and notes that “millions of appearance-conscious women and men have already discovered” its benefits. There is no mention of side effects.
A page about Latisse on a Vancouver clinic’s web site says it not only makes eyelashes fuller and longer, but enhances “the overall look of the eyes.” The site includes a link to the U.S.-based Latisse web pages, which are subject to few advertising curbs, and repeatedly asserts the drug has a record of safety and effectiveness, though it includes nothing about possible side effects.
Prof. Mintzes, who has studied pharmaceutical marketing extensively, said doctors and others are allowed to impartially report on drugs and other medical matters; the law draws the line, though, at promotion of prescription medication. “It essentially has to do with public health. The reason (the drugs) have prescription status is that … there are potentially serious harmful effects.”
In response to the Health Canada request, the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons sent out letters this spring to 47 doctors who do cosmetic work, said Barb Krahn, a spokeswoman for the regulator. It later issued follow-up notes to some who were the subject of complaints to the college about pharmaceutical marketing, she said.
The B.C. College last month published a drug-advertising caution in its newsletter to doctors, a spokeswoman said.

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