Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to Easily Lose 20 Pounds in 3-4 Weeks or 30 Days!

lose 20 pounds in 30 days

Wait! Did you know that 9 in 10 people will put some or all of the lost weight back on again! I will provide an answer to this puzzle as well if you have been seeking out a way to lose 20 pounds in 3 Weeks, then I have a surprise for you! Make sure to read closely because I plan to explain to you exactly how it can be done easily and effortlessly. Best of all the results you get from this method of weight loss do not rebound as other diets do, because it does what no other diet does, it targets your metabolism.

So How Can I Begin to Lose 20 Pounds Easily in 3 Weeks?

Its simply really, its called calorie shifting and all it asks of you is to eat! Ok I'll admit it isn't that simple, but unlike any other diet you can actually eat a normal amount of food. The trick to calorie shifting is the way in which you eat. You see this system of eating is so sophisticated as it maximizes the times your body burns the most calories of a certain type and convinces your body to burn more of those calories. It also works to constantly switch up your diet and create something called metabolic confusion where your body doesn't fall into the trap of a comfort zone where it doesn't feel compelled to burn fat.

Calorie Shifting Keeps Burning Fat for You!

Essentially by calorie shifting and creating this metabolic confusion you are sending a message to your body to keep burning fat. The reason people experience the rebound effect from most diets is because eating low calories also lowers your metabolism, it attunes itself to it in a way. The problem is with most diets is once you decide to begin eating a normal diet again you are now stuck with an even slower metabolism. With calorie shifting your metabolism will be far more active and most people who try calorie shifting actually find that they continue to burn fat for weeks following a diet.


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